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Lymphatic vessels -  thin tubes that carry lymph, a clear milky fluid, throughout the body.

Lymphatic fluid/milky fluid - chyle: A fluid from the intestines that contains fats and proteins, other than immune cells...... 

A little fun fact starts when your immune system meets embryology.

Lymphatic vessels are "fuel/energy vessels" or  biological version  of  Logistics that transport goods as well as immune cells to local tissues.

 - A disruption in your "Logistics" will lead to a significant health crisis including but not limited to edema, allergies along with all kinds of tissue/organ damages.   

A little fun question about Acupuncture - 1. Is Acupuncture vessel same as Lymphatic vessel? 2. What is placebo effect? 3. Can "placebo effect" fix your damaged car or your damaged body AKA disease?  

*There maybe many black holes in universe but there shouldn’t be one in medicine. Im posting this only for one reason - stop all arguments and light up the black hole in medicine.

I don’t believe there is an alternative or complimentary medicine parallel to medical science. However, many alternative health practitioners are often dismissed as “pseudoscience” regardless of the evidence that they can deliver the “positive results” to their patients. The “discrepancy and argument” exist in current health care simply because our current medicine is totally unaware of the “soil” exists in human bodies - the black hole of our current medicine. Many alternative practitioners can deliver “positive results” to their patients simply because of their “green fingers” even though they have no knowledge in biochemistry and physics. In their practice, however, they have to formulate their own “theories” to make sense of their “work” which often infuriates many “science-oriented” folks.

Now, if you don’t think “soil” exists in your body, all I can do is to “set a prayer” for you because you will need a whole world of prayer for your own health - on the other hand, It is not my business to convince you 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

A lot of your health problems can be solved by correcting your personal soil. On the other hand, many chronic diseases (e.g. High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar, High Cholesterol, Cancer Recurrence, Persistent Immune Disorders...) linger forever simply because your personal soil was degraded!! 

There is no pump in the lymphatic system like the heart in the cardiovascular system. The pressure gradients to move lymph through the vessels come from the skeletal muscle action, respiratory movement, and contraction of smooth muscle in vessel walls. 

"Lymphatic system failure" is far more common than you would expect! All Chronic diseases (including food allergies) and most acute illnesses involve some degree of "lymphatic system failure".*  

Habitat Medicine is leading the way to fight off your worst "lymphatic system failure" like no other on planet earth!!

Why is Food Allergy a serious issue?

The best food for crops is compost because Compost Promotes Healthier Plant Growth. Compost is most well-known for its contribution to healthy and resilient plant growth. It has a number of complementary benefits to plant growth, among them that it balances soil density, adds and retains nutrients, and discourages disease, pests and weeds. 

The best food for livestock is silage.  Compared to hay production, silage increases the potential yield of nutrients from available land, decreases feed costs, lowers harvest losses, and often increases forage quality

The best food for your body is fermented food, e.g. fermented milk, apple cider vinegar etc. Fermented foods are critical for the health of your gut because we now know that they can improve the gut microbiome in both the short and long term. When your immune system starts to malfunction, your list of food allergy WILL INCLUDE ALL FERMENTED FOODS sooner or later, guaranteed!  When your diet starts to exclude the fermented foods, you will notice that your entire gastrointestinal system is going to fall out of shape thereafter. If the problem is continuing to be ignored, "chronic fatigue" and "numerous ailments" will soon be part of your daily life. 

       Without Compost and organic matter, crops may not die but they will most likely stay "small and sick or weak". Similarly, You wouldn't lose your life over "food avoidance", but your quality of life and long term perspective of your health will be doomed.