Public Class 2. 

Key Words in Habitat Medicine

Sensitive Habitat:   An Elevated Inflammation level or "heightened inflammatory response"  in a human body habitat.

Habitat Stewardship:     Reduce or Eliminate unwanted inflammation and/or other adverse events in a human body habitat.                         

Inflammation/Sensitive Habitat 

The inflammatory process is a result of cellular and vascular events which are triggered by chemicals called inflammatory mediators, molecules such as chemokines, cytokines, vasoactive amines and eicosanoids, some of which are the end product of the activation of common cellular signaling pathways*Google Source. 

Aging/Sensitive Habitat and Diseases

Aging is characterized by systemic chronic inflammation, which is accompanied by cellular senescence, immunosenescence, organ dysfunction, and age-related diseases e.g. stroke, heart attacks, diabetes, and various cancers ... etc

Habitat Medicine Service

A. Why is “compost” critical to your body?

            When you can’t be woken up from sleep – you will be classified as a “Vegetable”. In reality you are a “vegetable” at all times!

     The only reason you are able to move around is that you carry your own soil wherever you go. Your life lives off your living soil AKA your body habitat. Your living soil is your Gut Microbiome along with organic matters that you gobble down every day. Habitat Medicine with Restorative Habitat Therapies specializes in enhancing your living soil - A lot of your health problems can be solved by correcting your personal soil. On the other hand, many chronic diseases (e.g. High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar, High Cholesterol, Cancer Recurrence, Persistent Immune Disorders...) linger forever simply because your personal soil was degraded!!  

     *We now know that "fermented food" is the most effective way to promote the health of your body habitat with little complications. Therefore you will need to incorporate fermented foods into your routine diet even though you may be allergic to them. For comparison organic fertilizers AKA "compost/organic matters" may burn the root of crops or kill the plants, but they are still needed for the health of living soil as well as crops - It just needs to be done with a skillful hand.     

B. The Simplified "Itchy and Scratchy" or "Stop Itching Now" program (Basic or Extensive)*

   The accelerated "Stop Itching Now" program focuses on "Itchiness" exclusively, no other issue will be addressed. The itch relief from a single therapy is likely transitory. A long-lasting or sustained itch relief may require "repetitive and continuous" treatments. 

*People whose skin rash covers more than 1/4 of their body surface or whose immune system is severely damaged are not eligible for our Simplified "Itchy and Scratchy" program.

C. "Resetting" Your Body Habitat

     Not all foods are created same, though many foods are indeed replaceable. However, certain foods are not replaceable e.g. fermented milk, apple cider vinegar etc., because they are critical for your wellness and health. If you are allergic to those "irreplaceable foods" or the "foods" that are simply important to your quality of life, we will surely and safely "re-program your immune system" until your immune system accommodate or develop "tolerance" to those foods.  

Is Human really a mobile plant?

        This concept is the basis of Habitat Medicine but it is so novel on planet earth that it may ignite a heated debate among scientists on earth for centuries to come. Unfortunately, diseases will not wait and Patients with chronic illness will continue to suffer and die. On the other hand, if you recognize this novel concept "Human is a mobile plant", you will, of course, know the vital role of  "soil" in the life of a "plant" or human. It is a well known fact among farmers that soil regeneration will require many "things" - not a single or a few chemical compound AKA drugs.  Chemical compounds or chemical fertilizers may assist plants grow rapidly (alive, poor quality though), it will not improve soil condition. As a matter of fact, it will kill soil eventually. Similarly, If you have chronic diseases, it is not a good idea to make your soil condition worse since it is already degraded. 

Mitochondria are obligated intracellular microbes - Your Cellular Habitat

                Mitochondria provide energy and essential chemicals to your cell.  In other words, your body will not stay alive without Mitochondria. Thus, ensuring Mitochondria's health is critical for your well-being. Since there is no name assigned for the community of Mitochondria that reside inside of your cells, I am going to call them "Mitobiota" and "Mitobiome". 

Your live cells' community/habitat as seen under the electron microscope. 

Get to know your "Mitobiota" and/or "Mitobiome"

2. Why is a life form all about energy? 

      All life forms must own a structure. The structure will collapse if it loses its maintenance or energy.       

  The changes of an aging body are simply caused by the declining energy or maintenance in those body tissues/cells*.  

Energy for An organic life

   Q2A.    Light energy to Chemical energy*

   Q2B.    Light energy to You*

   Q2C.    Chemical energy to You*

Energy framework for an organic life

 Q2D.   Anaerobic Electric Circuits in Your body*.

 Q2E.   Aerobic Electric Circuits in Your body*.

   Q2F.  The General Electric Circuits or Electrical infrastructure in Your body*.

3. What is Fatigue? 

      Fatigue is aggravated aging or losing energy in one's cells outpacing the usual changes in one's aging appearance. 

      Aging usually doesn't start with weakness feeling in your lower legs. It often starts in your "Guts", because your gastrointestinal system isn't just an organ that imports energy, it is an operating machinery that processes your food and discharges your wastes/toxic*; it is also a neurological organ that is affected by your emotions* - in other words, your "gut machine" works in a hazardous environment early on in your life.             Unsurprisingly, your neuro-digestive system may show early aging signs before your other organ starts to decline. For example, a relentless nervous stomach*, a frequent disruption in your bowel movement*, etc. In many cases, lactose intolerance is a sign of early aging as well*. Many lactose intolerant patients may simply realize lactoseenzyme won't help them.

Substance Abuse and Addiction 

1. What is substance abuse?

        Most people think that energy in our body just fuels our daily tasks __ which is not completely correct.        First of firsts, energy provides ease for our cells!    In other words, our cells will experience stress/distress or die when they lose energy.  

   When people use substances of interest, they usually experience the feeling of ease first in their body before they can "get high". 


   The addiction is not coming from "getting high" for most of the addicts, rather, it is coming from "avoiding the feeling of uneasiness" in their body!   

        An addiction problem is an "energy deficiency problem".*

2. Why is an addiction problem an "energy problem"?

Most substances of interest including addictive drugs are molecules that carry "energy rich" Nitrogen. For example, you will find "energy rich" Nitrogen in Morphine, Codeine, Heroin, Cocaine, Xanax (Alprazolam), Fentanyl, Amphetamine and Methamphetamine etc. 

Those drugs are "quick energy" but they are bad news for your body in the long run*. People who are prone to addictive substances or drugs usually have underlying "energy deficiency" problems - they might have plenty of organic energies in their body but those organic energies belong to "Entropy" with the exception of hobbies. Our research has revealed that some people don't have energy problem or after their energy deficiency problem has been corrected by habitat medicine, they may still use some "drugs" or "substances of interest" for their entertainment - that is not a medical issue. Our research has also revealed that ex-addicts may drop some of their previous "drug of their choice" spontaneously, but continue to use others (at a reduced consumption) after their "energy deficiency problem" has been corrected to a certain extent ( a graded response). Nevertheless, the body impulse for "drugs" or "substance of interest" can be completely eliminated after a successful course of treatments in habitat medicine. 

  In summary, we can correct their underlying "energy deficiency" problems in habitat medicine so that they will not need "drugs or substances of interest" to fill their body "deficiencies" (eliminate their physiological dependence on "drugs or substances of interest" entirely). However, we can not change their choice of life (hobbies) in habitat medicine.