Lab before and after a Marathon
Chemical Lab Results 8.2022 (Before 3.2023 Los Angeles Marathon)
The 8.2022 lab results are not the worst ones but the ones that were close to the Marathon.
Hyperglycemia (Hgb A1c 6.0)
Hypertriglyceridemia (Triglyceride 266)
Dyslipidemia (VLDL 53.2)
Renal insufficiency (eGFR 67.6%, lost24.04% renal function since 2019)
Over weight (BMI 27.6)
Hypertension (160/110)
Metabolic syndrome
Embedded metabolic disorder of Type 2 RTA (Renal Tubular Acidosis)
Embedded Diabetes mellitus

The "post Marathon" lab is now done and the result is published as we planed BEFORE the event. For bad or good, Habitat Medicine will stay 100% transparent - no hiding, no cherry picking.
Post Marathon - Labs
Hyperglycemia (Hgb A1c 6.0)) - Resolved (Hgb A1c 5.6 )
Hypertriglyceridemia (Triglyceride 266) - Resolved (Triglyceride 52 - 80.5% reduction! )
Dyslipidemia (VLDL 53.2) Resolved (VLDL 10.4)
Renal insufficiency (eGFR 67.6%, lost24.04% renal function since 2019) Resolved ( eGFR 93.6 - 38.5% renal improvement ! )
Over weight (BMI 27.6) Resolved (BMI 24.1 )
Hypertension (160/110) Resolved (107/64 )
Metabolic syndrome Strictly managed by Habitat medicine
Embedded metabolic disorder of Type 2 RTA (Renal Tubular Acidosis) Resolved
Embedded Diabetes mellitus Strictly managed by Habitat medicine
At first glance, you may think that "the post marathon lab result" is "impeccable" - ALL Numbers now fall within the normal range of current medical guideline. But, it is not with Habitat Medicine. There is still much work to be done to meet the standard of Habitat Medicine*.
The highlights of "post marathon" lab results
1. The renal improvements of 38.5% for kidney of chronic diseases in 10 month is "striking"!
Most people may find it unimaginable, because all they are told is "how to slow down their renal deterioration" - so that they can delay the onset of dialysis. "Markedly improvement of their damaged kidney" is simply never part of their conversation with their doctors.
2. The astronomical scale of reduction for Triglyceride level (80.5%) in 10 month is significant too, but it is not as impressive as renal improvement of 38.5%. Because triglyceride level is not an "anti-aging" biomarker for habitat medicine, the eGFR is* !
3. Are Habitat Medicine and Traditional Medicine Mutually exclusive?
No. Habitat Medicine is an osteopathic or holistic approach of "human body habitat". In many cases, it will work with other branches of medical specialty synergically.
Yes! It can be done!!
From Renal Failure to Kidney Excellence in TWO years of Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar correction.
eGFR from 67.6 to 103 (53% IMPROVEMENT) in TWO YEARS !!!
There is no guarantee in Medicine. Habitat Medicine is no exception.
The results you see here may not be replicable to everyone who comes to Habitat Medicine due to many unforeseen factors.
A Marathon story with Habitat Medicine
Growing up in a deprived environment, I have also been sick with metabolic syndromes. After disappointing experiences in my conventional health resources, I have turned to habitat medicine for help ("take my own medicine"). Within a year, I've come to realize that my body can reach something beyond my wildest imagination - A Marathon.
The Marathon was simply considered an "extraterrestrial event" in most of my life until today, when I am old and sick.
Credit: Habitat Medicine.
Vignette: The hardest test thus far on Habitat Medicine came from my first Marathon because I lost every minute of my sleeping time in heavy traffic. I was deeply worried that I were not be able to complete my Marathon, or finish it in time. I am indeed surprised (grateful) that I was able to complete it in time at last!
credit: habitat medicine.