Public Class 1.
A. What is Biochemistry?
Biochemistry is both life science and a chemical science - it explores the chemistry of living organisms and the molecular basis for the changes occurring in living cells. It uses the methods of chemistry, "Biochemistry has become the foundation for understanding all biological processes.* Google Source
B. What is Chemical Fitness?
Most people are aware of physical fitness, few appreciate the importance of chemical fitness for a healthy human. In a simple sense, "Physical fitness" is a "visible part" of you, on the other hand, "chemical fitness" is the "dark matter or invisible part" of you. The dark matter is the foundation of our universe; the "chemical fitness" is the foundation of your personal universe or your body habitat.
C. Do athletes live longer?
No. Of the 200 Marathon athletes, 60 — or 30% — had died, leaving 140 still alive at the time of the study. Researchers found the average age of death for the study participants overall was 73, but the average age for the surviving elite runners was 77.May 14, 2024* google source. __This finding is consistent with the cardiac calcium test findings: emerging evidence suggests amateur athletes have increased coronary atherosclerosis compared with less active healthy controls. Athletes more often had CAC scores ≥100 Agatston units, which was associated with their lifelong exercise volume and intensity of exercise training. Jan 4, 2023* Google source. Those findings are not surprised to us, because athletes may not stay "chemically fit" throughout their tenure.
D. How do I stay "chemically fit"?
When your oxygen or water/fluid supply is disrupted, you can get help from traditional medicine. Similarly, when your body habitat is disrupted, you may get help from the holistic medicine such as Habitat Medicine.
In some cases, "DIY" is all you need especially when you have extensive knowledge in nutrition and healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, "DIY" may not be adequate when your biochemistry study results have become abnormal and/or you have suffered persistent physical symptoms e.g. various allergies.. irritable bowel.. skin rash.. joint pain or stiffness.. upset stomach.. fatigue etc.
In short, your body habitat needs to become chemically fit as soon as possible before it collapses and lands yourself in an emergency room.
Carbohydrate is your friend, not your foe!
One of your major pancreatic enzyme is Amylase. It is there for a reason!
This enzyme helps break down starches into sugar, which your body can use for energy.
No. You can not live without sugar.
Without adequate carbohydrate intake, you will exhaust your organs to breakdown fats and proteins for sugar __ generating excessive toxic byproducts along their biochemical pathways which is not sustainable for a life
People who strictly follow carbohydrate eliminating/restriction diet will develop many disease e.g. cancer and they ALL will pass away prematurely!
The median life expectancy for a camels is 17.8 years. The camel may live up to 40 years in captivity.
The median life expectancy for an elephant is 65 years.
Vatsala of Panna is credited to be the oldest living elephant at 105 years that is older than the Changalloor, who died at the age of 89.
Dakshayani (July 18, 1930 – Unknown) Considered one of the national treasures of India, the 86 year old elephant named Dakshayani is currently the oldest known elephant in the world.
Carbohydrate determines your level of happiness and/or quality of life.
"Limiting carbohydrate" diet is a "miserable life" and "unsustainable life"!
How many carbohydrates do you need?
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that carbohydrates make up 45% to 65% of total daily calories.
When your blood sugar level is disconcerted, the problem is not about the "Carbohydrates".. it is about your body habitat.
Yes! If Elevated Blood pressure is a silent killer, Elevated Blood sugar would be a serial killer.
The elevated blood glucose can literally attack any part of body tissue from toe to retina.. causing dementia.. stroke.. heart attack.. blindness.. gangrene.. amputation.. because elevated blood glucose can inflict inflammation everywhere in body.
Habitat Medicine may restore your body habitat* to digest carbohydrate without inflicting a wild spike of your blood sugar level!!
Key words in Habitat Medicine
Habitat: the ecosystem that exists in your live body.
Energy: the body energy that is available for your needs.
Entropy: the body energy that is not available for your needs.
Important Notice
Both "Energy" and "Entropy" are part of organic energy. They can be interchangeable under certain circumstances.
Ammonia (NH3)
Energy rich (Electron rich) Nitrogen (N)
Glucose (C6H12O6)
Energy rich (Electron rich) Carbon (C)
A simple example is the biological circle of "Nitrogen and Carbon". Energy rich Nitrogen (Ammonia) is Energy for plants, but it is Entropy for humans - <different species>*. On the other hand, Energy rich Carbon (glucose) is Energy for a healthy human, but it is Entropy for plants. Furthermore, Energy rich Carbon (glucose) can become Entropy for a diabetic person -<within same species or same organism>*.
When organic energy is not available for humans (Entropy), it can be harmful to human bodies*.
In many cases, you may find that an energy pill/supplement/iv or drink energizes your friend, but it fails to deliver the same result to you - It may actually harm you instead for the reason I described above. Similarly, blood glucose can be harmful to a diabetic body cell.
1. Why is my heartburn or GERD so stubborn? There are many valid options in Medicine including Pepcid.. tums.. and proton inhibitors e.g. Omeprazole.. Nexium...; Surgery including hiatal hernia repair; lifestyle remedies including elevation of your head bed.. a strict healthy daily life routine...; Natural remedies including Acupuncture.. Meditation.. vitamins.. probiotics.. various supplements and herbs..; Nutrition remedies including dietary modification.. Apple cider vinegar.. lemon juice.. parsley.. ginger and garlic..; Physical remedies including Yoga.. Tachi.. Qigong.. Massage.. and exercise...... BUT,
You name it, I have tried everything on my planet earth, NOTHING has relieved my heartburn at last!
2. Why is my "intractable" heartburn considered an extension of fatigue in habitat medicine? There's a habitat fatigue syndrome in your gastroesophageal junction with or without acid production failure. In addition, the "fatigue" in your ileocecal valve may lead to "SIBO(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) or SIFO (small intestinal fungal overgrowth" - the degradation in your gut habitat will leave you feeling bloated, heart burn, nausea/vomiting......
The human body habitat hasn't been documented in any text book yet -- thus it is a "black hole" in Current Medicine. Being unknown doesn't mean that it doesn't exist inside of your body.
Dysbiosis Definition: An imbalance between the types of organism present in a person's natural microflora/habitat*, especially that of the gut, thought to contribute to a range of conditions of ill health.* google dictionary.
Rob Knight Ph.D. <How our microbes make us who we are>
4. Why should I care about the "habitat" inside of my body?
William Davis MD <heal your gut>
5. There are numerous different "manifestations" of "fatigue" inside of your body, Habitat medicine is here to help you uncover and treat those mechanical causes/failures for your "intractable symptoms" which you have experienced.
Many "intractable symptoms" or "habitat fatigue syndromes" are indeed related to aging process, but it doesn't mean that you have no choice but to endure it*. Habitat Medicine is here to help you live your life free from those "sufferings" and help you "break your age ceiling" if it is at all possible.
Definition of Cure, Relief & Anti-aging.
A. Youthfulness for a Youngster without compromising genes and/or living environment _ It is Granted and requires minimum maintenance.
B. Youthfulness for an older person without compromising body habitat and/or living environment _ It is privileged and requires maximum maintenance.
C. All "Cures" are time-limited. However, it is usually considered a "cure" in current Medicine when a patient comes out of the physical and/or mental distress and lives a life with or without residual symptoms + medical maintenance.
D. "relief" is time-limited as well. A patient may continuously suffer stubborn symptoms or intractable symptoms while he/she lives a 'Normal' life.
The intractable symptoms are commonly known in medicine as --
"Nothing we can do to help you other than behavioral modification, that is --- you NEED to learn to live with it".
E. Habitat Medicine is new and continues to evolve.
It might benefit some but not everyone at the present time.
F. "cure & relief" and "Anti-aging" in Habitat Medicine.
The commonly acceptable norm for "cure" and "relief" is not our goal in Habitat Medicine.
We go beyond.
We strive for the standard in an advanced civilization -- That is to Get Your feet back into the territory of Youthfulness regardless of your calendar age.
The 3 criteria for Youthfulness in Habitat Medicine:
1. Youthfulness & Invigoration
We can't motivate you in habitat medicine, but we surely can enhance your overall fitness for your new endeavor in habitat medicine once you are motivated.
2. Youthfulness & Enthusiasm
Life is all about love and passion, we can't help you with that. However, we surely can enhance your mental stamina once you are ready for your newly discovered journey.
3. The perks & Surprise
The perks and surprise mostly come with the "unexpected" treatment results from habitat medicine. Here are 3 super power traits in young people that may return to those who have recovered in habitat medicine successfully. It becomes particularly striking for those who grew up in a deprived environment, because they may reclaim the capability to do something that they wouldn't have been capable to do in their poor young adulthood and/or childhood.
A. Sleep
While older folks often suffer from insomnia and wake up miserably, young people enjoy sleeping "any time", "any where" and "any way" (e.g. sleeping in all kind of "awkward" posture and environment), and wake up refreshed.
B. Biological desire
While young people are often characterized as "young and restless", older people often experience anhedonia. On the other hand, the awakening of long forgotten biological desire may frighten some, but be pleasant to others. We can't change people's perception in habitat medicine, however, we understand that "There is No One-size-fits-all" in habitat medicine -- We will have to fine-tune the treatments to accommodate individual's need.
C. Digestive system
Young People often enjoy a variety of foods with a striking super power (baby mouthing) observed in toddlers. Meantime, they remain strong and healthy like a rock. The older people, on the other hand, often lose their digestive power first when they start to age*. They have to be very careful for what they eat and drink. Meantime, they frequently suffer a full truck load of symptoms and disorders in their stomach and guts. We can help you enjoy a variety of foods again with habitat medicine*, while we will not be able to bring back the early phase of "baby mouthing" to you without adverse consequences*.
The 3 criteria described above not only provide you a way to measure your progress in habitat medicine but also assure you of our commitment to the fundamental principles of medical science: 1. Evidence-based. 2. Focus on the patient, not numbers.
However, it doesn't mean that your medical tests are of lesser importance. Instead, we will need ALL of your lab test results, imaging test results, and special studies in your health history.
G. It is well proven by animal models that an adequately maintained physiological body (e.g. in a zoo) lasts a lot longer than a naturally maintained physiological body (e.g. in wildness).*
No human body has been adequately maintained according to the standard of Habitat Medicine thus far*. Human body habitat is still a "black hole" in current medicine, thus NO ONE has been appropriately cared for by the standard of Habitat Medicine, to say the least.
Most people are overly consumed by the changes in their appearance and body functions, on the other hand, they often ignored the mechanics of aging. Aging is a gradual decline of energy in one's body tissues or cells which has been proved by our scientific observations - "The Mitochondria or powerhouse* in one's body cells are declining in ALL aging cells/tissues".
Mitochondria also provide essential nutrients and chemical transducers/messengers for cells*.
This is the electron microscope image of an astrocyte cell (Young vs Old), which enwraps the nerve of central nervous system. AC: Astrocyte cell. Nu: Nucleus.
BM: Base membrane of Astrocyte cell.
Mitochondrion in Red: Young-Thick and Vibrant. Mitochondrion in blue: Old- Shriveled.
Your Mitochondria power-driven live cells as seen
under the electron microscope.